I have chosen Dr. Zielinski to be one of the featured spotlights because of the amazing impact he and his family have made in the safe use of essential oils, as well as practical applications DIY that help the spirit, soul and body. In my journey, I have been searching for ways to heal my body and support my system at the foundational levels. I needed to find out how to deal with the challenges I face with faulty functioning thyroid and adrenal glands and needing to support my other organs in the best possible environment. I was finding so much misinformation online and in doctor's offices, mostly pumped by the pharmaceutical companies. I am not demonizing pharmaceuticals, they do have their place, but I found, for me, most of them are more detrimental than healing. For instance, I am hypersensitive to the medication and the fillers put in synthroid, the standard treatment medication (levothyroxine) causing the medication to not work in my system. Each time I moved, the new clinician had to be brought up to speed on what works in my system and what does not. Not believing I had any idea of what I was talking about, I was continually forced to do a trial of synthroid with the same repeated results. I would share the dosage of the Nature-throid (a natural thyroid hormone) that worked for me, and again, the clinician insisted I start their way. This would involve at least 6 months of playing the game and feeling lousy in the meantime, until I could get to the dosage levels I needed to feel better. Each time I had to endure this, I would hunt for nutritional or natural remedies that could help alleviate my symptoms until I reached a good treating level of my medication. I started researching nutrition and naturalistic healing remedies. I came across Dr. Z at a time where I had run out of options for dealing with intractable pain and increasing allergies.
Yuji Kitano is a physiotherapist living in Chigasaki, Japan with his wife Soness, who is a Ted Speaker Coach, and their two cats. Yuji holds two degrees from Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand.
I just finished six beta sessions with Yuji, as well as a one hour one on one session. In the first two sessions Yuji shared about the back, pain, movement and misconceptions. He shared the differences between mechanical and inflammatory causes of pain. He shared about anatomy and how the spine and hips are made to move or support in certain ways. In just the third session, I had a major breakthrough, I mean a blow the trumpet kind of breakthrough. Since my accident 8 years ago, I have been in horrific pain, unable to reach much past my knees when bending over and unable to flex backward or twist while standing. In fact, it has been hard for me to stand more than 15 minutes, no matter what I do. In the 3rd session, while following Yuji’s directions in a zoom gathering, I was able to touch my toes! Now that excites me, because no matter how many other limiting beliefs systems I swallowed over 8 years regarding pain and limitations, I knew I was never going back to that way any more. I had been focused on the pain and ways to not increase it. My focus was wrong. Instead of previously looking at all the muscle groups and trying to get the core stronger, my focus was pivoting to another view, to how I viewed my movement. My focus was always on pain and how to protect myself, I was not seeing the joints involved in the movement. I still have a long ways to go to manage my pain. However, I believe I have found a very good start with the Kitano method. There is an old saying about the thigh bone is connected to the knee bone, etc. This is also true when dealing with pain. Our brain can only focus on one pain at a time, usually the most severe one. I found that when pain levels in an area or region were reduced or alleviated, the brain chooses another area experiencing pain. I learned when my back lets go of severe pain in the lower back, my thoracic spine tends to seize up with pain and so on. Breathing from the diaphragm has been a huge help together with shoulder glides to relieve some of the muscle spasms and nerve pain. It has not been a fix all, since I still have unhealed fractures, but it has changed my life forever. To be able to put on my shoes without excruciating pain says it all to me and the Kitano method will be with me for the rest of my life. I am so very grateful for Yuji and his wife Soness.
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